Local Government Advisory Team

Joseph Snyder
Current LGAT Representative
Beth Friend
East Bay Township
Joseph Snyder
Immediate Past LGAT Representative
Joseph Snyder
Chief Financial Officer
City of Rochester Hills


The MGFOA is pleased to participate as a permanent member on the State of Michigan, Department of Treasury Local Government Advisory Team (LGAT). The LGAT was formed by the Department of Treasury in 2020 and its primary function is:

  • To provide input to Treasury on legislative initiatives.
  • To provide strategies to assist local government financial and operational needs, technological changes, and the implementation of new policy required by statutory changes.
  • To offer input in developing Treasury departmental policy positions.

Membership is comprised of individuals from associations and organizations that have a vested interest in local government policy in the state. Of these, four (4) are permanent members and four (4) are rotating members (serving a two-year term). Meetings take place three times per year (usually January, June, and October).

Current Permanent Members:

  • Michigan Municipal League
  • Michigan Township Association
  • Michigan Association of Counties
  • Michigan Government Finance Officers Association

Proposed Rotating Members:

  • Representative of the auditing industry
  • Representative from the regional planning agencies
  • Representatives of local government
  • Michigan Municipal Services Authority

MGFOA Appointment Process

Every two years, the MGFOA will open the application process to MGFOA membership to appoint a new MGFOA LGAT representative. This process will occur in tandem with the MGFOA Board and interview process. Applicants must be a public sector MGFOA member in good standing, have at least ten years of municipal government experience, and demonstrate strong background in a wide range of concepts and issues impacting local government finance officers. A preferred candidate would not be a current MGFOA board member.

Upon appointment of a MGFOA LGAT representative, the current MGFOA Representative would assume the role of immediate past LGAT Representative and will be available to advise or fill-in for the current LGAT Representative as needed until the next two-year appointment occurs.