West Michigan Front Porch Forum - January 2021

Wed, Jan 27, 2021, 9:00am - 10:30am

The purpose of the Front Porch Forum is to bring together our Finance Directors and Finance Managers to engage in executive level discussions regarding local government finance, management and leadership.

9:00am - 10:30am

This will be a Zoom gathering. If you are interested in attending, contact Sharla Seath.


This is intended to provide some starter topics for the forum. The content of the forum will be decided by those in attendance.

  1. Call to Order & Introductions
  2. Previous and New Topics
    1. Public Safety Payroll Grant [Additional disbursements?]
    2. Federal COVID Grant Revenue [Lingering Questions?]
    3. Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) [Extension, Special Allowances?]
    4. Vaccinations [Rollout, Employee Access, Implementation, How to Promote?]
    5. Calendar Year End [W2s, 1099s, etc. progressing smoothly?]
    6. Bill Collections [Types of collections, collection agencies, participation in MAC Debt Setoff?]
    7. Fund Balance Policy [Policy for all funds, specific funds?]
    8. GASB & MI Department of Treasury [deferred implementation? timing? plans?]
    9. Anything not remembered by the Agenda writer?
  3. Continuing Education in absence of travel
    1. MI Dept of Treasury Virtual Chart Chat – 1/28/2021
    2. MGFOA Virtual Spring Seminar 2021 – 3/5/2021
    3. Any other opportunities available?
  4. Recent changes/opportunities – Open to discuss [Any openings folks would like included?]
  5. Forum schedule for 2021: Wednesdays, 1/27/2021, 4/28/2021, 7/28/2021 & 10/27/2021; Northern MI – Wednesdays, 2/24/2021, 5/26/2021, 8/25/2021 & 11/24/2021)
  6. Pick tentative topics for next forum
  7. Adjournment (expected meeting duration 1 – 1.5 hours)